Monday 6 August 2012

Victoria Pendleton London Olympics 2012

Queen Victoria reigns again. We are not used to finding Victoria Pendleton blotchy-faced with matted hair, as she was after she and Jess Varnish were  disqualified from the team run on Thursday night. Not used to her apologising for a oversight that cost Good Britain the possibility of an Olympic medal.
This was not what the ‘queen of the track’, the second most shot British sportswoman at London 2012, promised us on the posters.
She is the woman who said she felt ‘numb’ status on top of the stage in China; the ice maiden poised, ready, on the start line cheating on not a sparkle of feelings as London’s 6,000- capacity Velodrome grown with assist on Friday.
 Victoria Pendleton
Victoria Pendleton London Olympic
 Victoria Pendleton
Victoria Pendleton London Olympic
 Victoria Pendleton
Victoria Pendleton London Olympic
 Victoria Pendleton
Victoria Pendleton London Olympic
 Victoria Pendleton
Victoria Pendleton London Olympic
 Victoria Pendleton
Victoria Pendleton London Olympic
 Victoria Pendleton
Victoria Pendleton London Olympic
Victoria Pendleton

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